Кофта флісова ARDON MICHAEL коричнева
Vendor code: Н2182/S
Чоловіча флісова кофта MICHAEL гарантує Вам якість та комфорт. Це теплий та м'який варіант трекінгового одягу. Комір - стійка та зручні кишені на блискавці.
Матеріал: Polar фліс щільністю 280 г/м² - не сідає, не змінює колір. Oeko-tex®.
Склад: 100% поліестер.
Колір: синій, антрацит, білий, зелений, коричневий, королівський синій, темно-синій, темно-сірий, червоний, чорний.
Розміри: S-XXXL. Стандарт: ДСТУ EN ISO 13688:2016 "Одяг захисний. Загальні вимоги".
Гарантія 6 місяців (за умов дотримання правил експлуатації).
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Payment and Delivery
For legal entities
Available payment method is a wire transfer to our bank account with VAT. You can make the payment by bank transfer to our bank account.
For individual entrepreneurs (FOP)
Wire transfer is also available. You can make the payment by bank transfer to our bank account.
You can also make the payment using a transfer with our banking details.
This method is available at any bank branch.
For additional information regarding payment terms and details, please contact
our customer service department. Our experts are ready to provide you with professional consultation
and detailed information.
If the shipment is agreed with our manager before 14:00, your order will be shipped the same working day. If the approval is received after 14:00, the shipment will be made on the next working day.
1. Pickup
from our warehouse at 7 Kiltseva Street, Chernihiv, with an authorization or stamp from your company. Working hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
2. "Nova Poshta"
(delivery to a branch or address courier delivery).
3. "Ukrposhta"
(delivery to a branch).
4. In-house courier service
We can also deliver your order with our own courier service throughout Ukraine if it has large dimensions or weight.
5. Other carrier
We are ready to organize the delivery of your order through another carrier of your choice, subject to prior agreement with our manager.
Please note that we do not ship orders with cash on delivery.
Delivery is paid by the party determined by the terms of the supply contract.
Certificates and awards
Guarantees and returns
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